Celebration of Discipline Bible Study
Prepared by: Rev. Willetta Ar-Rahmaan
This week’s lesson deals with our imagination as we prepare for meditation. As we all know our imagination can be very creative or corrupt. When we talk about meditation as a Christian we are talking about entering into the presence of our living God by ourselves. When preparing our mind to meditate on scripture or to be in the presence of God we are not emptying ourselves and our minds, we are focusing on God. Therefore when Foster discusses a sanctified imagination he also discusses the concerns as well.
One concern is that our imagination is not reliable and can be used by the Adversary. In Genesis chapter 3, the serpent distorted what God told Adam and Eve. They were outwitted by the serpent because they relied on their imagination only. If the serpent can use our imagination for Evil, we know without a doubt God can use it for God’s purpose in our lives. Let us be aware that distorting the truth is a way the Adversary uses our imagination for the wrong purpose. Before the fall our purpose was to be in relationship with God where God provided and cared for us in our fleshly form.
Another concern is, manipulation and self-deception causes an overactive imagination. When we have an overactive imagination we can create scenarios and ideas to manipulate the situation for our purpose. Manipulation can be so subtle that the person being manipulated doesn’t have a clue to how they were pulled into the creative imagination of another until it is too late. The overactive imagination causes many to be deceitful to other and self. We all know our weakness and when the adversary is trying to manipulate us, he/she will use the things we like or love to get close enough to us. God doesn’t give us images to manipulate us but to draw us closer in relationship so we can depend upon God solely. Foster uses Romans 1:21, but I suggest reading verse 18ff to understand the entire context for that one verse also, read Genesis 8:21, Jeremiah 7:24 and Luke 1:51.
When we lean and depend on God, we are truly shown and given images only can provide. Often times we find ourselves in these déjà vu moments. These are those epiphany’s God has revealed to us as we spend time in God’s presence or even as we sleep. God will give images to those around us because we may not be in a position to handle what God needs to show us at a particular moment in time. Always be in prayer and discern the images others share with you because sometimes it may not be what they are saying.
“To believe that God can sanctify and utilize the imagination is simply to take seriously the Christian idea of incarnation.” (p. 26). Incarnation is that act of grace whereby Christ took our human nature into union with his Divine Person, became man. Christ is both God and man.[1] For centuries people have been trying to separate the divinity of Christ to make him only a God and forget about the human side the included the suffering he had to endure. Because Christ took on human form he knows how the adversary would try to distort and manipulate for his/her purpose. If the adversary tried all he could to get Jesus to bow down before him why do we think he will not try the same with us by using our imagination for selfish motives?
When we are preparing our minds for mediation we want to chose a time and guard it like a meeting or appointment. You may have to write it down on the calendar depending on the time of day. Second, choose a place where there will be no interruption or distractions. This place should be free of those things that will tempt you for example a TV, phone, or computer. Lastly, posture is important inwardly. We want to be relaxed and focus on God. There is no wrong or right posture, but we want to be in a place where we can be comfortable.
Reading Assignment in the Synoptic Gospel as Jesus:
Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46
Matthew 16:24-28, Mark 8:34-9:1, Luke 9:23-27
Going Deeper:
- Have you been manipulated by another person without realizing your behavior changed?
- When was the last time God presented an image to you? Was it for your purpose or another?
- What are some other concerns regarding the sanctified imagination?
[1]Easton , M.G.: Easton 's Bible Dictionary. Oak Harbor , WA : Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1996, c1897