Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 24 Setting an Example (Day 3) - Pass it On

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Pass it On

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 31:1-8; Hebrews 11:1-12:2


When Moses neared the end of his life, God raised up Joshua to lead the Israelites tot he promised land.  How did Moses pass the torch on to Joshua?

How do the heroes of faith listed in Hebrews cheer you on?

How do you find strength to "run the race" because of the examples of these heroes faith?

Prayer: Lord, I'm so grateful there is a cloud of witnesses to cheer me on as I live my life for you.  Add me to the list of faithful followers and make me an example for future generations.  Amen.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 24 Setting an Example (Day 2) - No Matter the Cost

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

No Matter the Cost

Scripture Reading: Daniel 1-3


What kind of trouble did Daniel's friends get into for not going along with the crowd?

Why is it so hard to stand out in a crowd and be different?

What current-day "golden statues" compete for your worship?

Prayer: God, I want to have the courage and resolved that Daniel and his friends had.  I want to stand against a crowd and worship you alone.  Give me strength and make me an example for others that you will do what you say you will.  Amen.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 24 Setting an Example (Day 1) - Recognizing the Moment

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Recognizing the Moment

Scripture Reading: Esther 1- 5


What choice did Esther have to make?  What was the risk involved?

How was Esther's courage an example to her people?

When have you felt led to be an example in a significant moment?

Prayer: God, I pray that you would put me in places of influence and give me the courage to be an example of your faithfulness.  Amen.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 23 Holy Spirit (Day 5) - The Fruit of Life in the Spirit

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Fruit of Life in the Spirit

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:5-17; Galatians 5:16-26


What actions are produced by selfish motives?

Which signs of the fruit of the Spirit can you see in your own life?  Which would you like to see more 

How do we live by the Spirit?

Prayer: Spirit of God, come fill me and bear fruit in me so that those who don't know Christ may see the fruit I bear and come to know him.  Amen.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 23 Holy Spirit (Day 4) - God's Presence with Us

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

God's Presence with Us

Scripture Reading: Psalms 51, 139


When have you felt far away from God's presence?

When have you felt the Spirit especially near?
Why do we sometimes feel God has taken away God's presence from us?

Where does the psalmist say we can escape God's presence?

Prayer: Spirit of God, be near to me.  Surround me with your presence and sustain me by your Spirit. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 23 Holy Spirit (Day 3) - Life, Breath and Creativity

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Life, Breath and Creativity

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1, Job 33:4, Psalm 104

How does the Holy Spirit express God's creativity?

How is the Holy Spirit life and breath?

How does the Spirit breathe life into you?

How are you renewed by the Spirit?
Prayer: Holy Spirit, live in me.  Renew me.  Create through me.  Give me life and let my very breath remind me that you created me and sustain me and give me life.  Amen.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 23 Holy Spirit (Day 2) - Filled with the Spirit

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Filled with the Spirit

Scripture Reading: Acts 4:1-37; Ephesians 5:17-18


How did the Hoy Spirit empower Peter and John?

How does the story of Peter and John encourage you to be bold as you live out your faith? 

How can you become filled with the Spirit?

Prayer: Spirit of God, strengthen me to be bold as I bear witness to your great works in the world and in my life. When I'm faced with trials, fill me with your presence and speak through me.  Let me join with the apostles and the early church in total surrender to your goodness, grace and generosity.  Amen.

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 23 Holy Spirit (Day 1) - The Spirit at Pentecost

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Spirit at Pentecost

Scripture Reading: Acts 2


What happened when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost?

How did the crowds react to what was going on?

How do the people live in community after the experience?

How have you know the power of the Holy Spirit in your own life?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, fill me up and empower me for a life of ministry.  Stir in my life and do a great work through me.  Amen.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 22 Truth (Day 5) - The Spirit of Truth

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Spirit of Truth

Scripture Reading: John 15-17


How does the Holy Spirit reveal God's truth to the world?  To you?

Why do you think the Holy Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of Truth?

How does God make us holy in the truth?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the Companion to point me to your love, witness to your love and truth and guide me as I follow you.  I know you are the truth.  When everything around me gets fuzzy, I know you are the true, holy, loving companion God who is ever with me and will ever be.  Thanks be to God.  Amen.

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 22 Truth (Day 4) - Truth-Telling Prophets

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Truth-Telling Prophets

Scripture Reading: Jonah 1-4; Daniel 4:1-27


Why did God ask Jonah to go to Nineveh?

Why didn't Jonah want to go?

Why was Daniel afraid to tell the about the dream?  

Are you more like Daniel or Jonah? Why?

Prayer: God of truth, thank you for raising up prophets both in the Bible and now to speak truth into terrible situations.  Lord, embolden me to tell the truth when you demand it.  Give me courage and words to tell your truth in my culture and in my world. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 22 Truth (Day 3) - Speaking the Truth

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Speaking the Truth

Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:16; Proverbs 12; Ephesians 4:1-25


What do the Proverbs and Ephesians passages say about telling the truth?

Why is speaking the truth so important?

What does it mean to speak the truth in love?  How can you do this?

Prayer: Lord, I'm embarrassed to admit that too often I'm caught up in lies before I even know what happened.  Sometimes I'm too weak or timid to tell the truth.  Other times I justify lying to save my reputation.  Help me speak the truth in love.  Help me bring the truth into the light and not keep anger or conflict hidden in darkness.  Shine your light and show me the freedom I have when I live a truthful life. Amen.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 22 Truth (Day 2) - The Truth Will Set You Free

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Scripture Reading: John 8:31-47; Psalm 119:30-32


Why did Jesus say that the people couldn't hear him?

How does the truth set you free?

What does freedom feel like?

How does truth-telling create more freedom?

Prayer: Lord, I'm so grateful you are the truth and that you call truth out in me.  I am utterly dependent on you for salvation, righteousness, hope, joy and my very life.  I'm ever grateful for the freedom in which I now live - forgiven, saved, and filled with hope.  What a wonderful God you are. Amen!

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 22 Truth (Day 1) - The Way, The Truth and The Life

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Way, The Truth and The Life

Scripture Reading: John 14:1-4; Romans 1:18-25


What does it mean that Jesus is the truth?

What does it mean to trade God's truth for a lie?

How have you traded God's truth for lies in the past?

Prayer: Jesus, I believe you are the way and the truth and life.  Forgive me when I deny who you are by making idols of my own ideas.  When I get lost, come find me.  When I lose my mind, remind me again that you are the truth.  When I lose my joy, give me life abundant.  Amen.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 21 Baptism (Day 5) - Baptism Stories

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Baptism Stories

Scripture Reading: Acts 8:4-40


What were the motivations of the two men who sought baptism?

When was the last time you were eager to hear and receive the gospel?

What is your baptism story?

Prayer:  Lord, sometimes I find myself looking for what I can get out of this life with you.  I want to be like the Ethiopian who genuinely longed for new life.  Make my story to be one of rejoicing and pointing others to you. Amen.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 21 Baptism (Day 4) - Water and Covenant

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Water and Covenant

Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:1-23; 7:1-8:22; Exodus 14:15-31; Joshua 3-4; Matthews 2:13-17


How does water symbolize life?

What major events in the Bible can you think of that center around water?

What does it mean to be born of water and the Spirit?

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for your covenant love that binds me forever to you.  Thank you for saving me, loving me, knowing me and making a way for me to be with you always. Amen.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 21 Baptism (Day 3) - Baptize Them

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Baptize Them

Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-20


What instructions did Jesus give the disciples?

As modern-day disciples of Jesus Christ, how do we live out this call to make disciples?

How are we empowered for ministry?

Prayer:  I often feel inadequate to carry your gospel to the world.  Fill me with the Spirit so that I'm bold and courageous in calling people to change their hearts and minds so they may have a saving relationship with you.  Amen.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 21 Baptism (Day 2) - Changing Heart and Life

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Changing Heart and Life

Scripture Reading: Acts 2


How did Peter say the crowds could find forgiveness from their sins?

How is your heart and life changed because of the work of Jesus in your life?

How do you live out your baptism?

Prayer:  God, I'm convinced you're who you say you are.  You stirred up a crowd to hear Peter's sermon and changed their hearts and lives forever.  Lord, stir in me.  Change my heart and life forever. Amen.

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 21 Baptism (Day 1) The Way Prepared

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Way Prepared

Scripture Reading: John 1:19-34; Matthew 3:1-17


How did John know who Jesus really was?

How do you prepare the way for Jesus to live in you?

What did God do when Jesus came out of the water?

How does God delight in you?

Prayer:  Lord, clear a path in my heart for you to come and live in me. Open up the heavens and call me your own.  Make me new and find happiness in me. Amen.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 20 Grace (Day 5) - Offering Grace

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Offering Grace

Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:3-14; Matthew 18:21-35; Luke 6:27-36


How does the message of grace change you?

What does Jesus teach us about extending grace in Matthew 18:21-35?

How difficult is it to offer grace when you've been wronged or offended?  What does Jesus call us to do?

Prayer:  Lord, I pray that your grace will bear fruit in me, that my life would bear witness to your work in me.  Give me the strength and wisdom to extend grace freely as you did for me so lovingly. Amen.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 20 Grace (Day 4) - Justified by Grace

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Justified by Grace

Scripture Reading: Romans 5:1-11; 1 Timothy 1:17-27


What did your life look like before Christ?

How do you understand the restoration of something that was broken?  How is that like your relationship with God?

How does your life witness to the great, saving love of God?

Prayer:  God, when I was still a sinner, you loved me.  You made a way for me to be in relationship with you and invited me in with open arms.  Take away my pride that suggests I deserve anything from you at all and grant me humility to boast only in your great love.  Amen.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 20 Grace (Day 3) - The Law of Grace

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Law of Grace

Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-23; Galatians 2:15-21; Psalm 51


When have you negotiated in your mind about sin, knowing there would always be grace available to you?

How have you felt like a slave to sin?

How do you understand what it means to live under the law of grace?

Prayer:  Lord, I don't understand why you have such a well of grace for someone prone to sin and disobedience, but I'm glad you do.  Your grace covers my sin, and I'm free to live a joy-filled life with you.  Help me continually turn from sin toward your grace.  Amen.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 20 Grace (Day 2) - From Sin to Life

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

From Sin to Life

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10; Acts 15:1-19


How does Paul describe a life before experiencing God's grace?

What does the Ephesians passage say about earning God's grace?

When have you felt like you needed God's grace?

Prayer:  God of Grace, I am so thankful that you offer me your undeserved love when I would otherwise be dead in my sin.  I'm amazed that you give me new life.  Help me grow in your grace as I live it out in the world. Amen.

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 20 Grace (Day 1) - Undeserved Love

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Undeserved Love

Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18, 3:16-21


What do you read in today's passage about God's love for you?

To what lengths did God go to demonstrate that love?

How have you experienced God's grace in your life?

What does the sacrifice God made for you mean to you?

Prayer:  Lord, I find  myself undone by your grace and love.  You loved me as a sinner when you had no reason to.  You call me to be your own, and I'm grateful.  Amen.

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