Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 33 Leadership (Day 1) - Servant Leadership

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Servant Leadership

Scripture Reading: John 13:1-20


Why did Jesus need to wash the disciples' feet?

What was Peter's reaction to Jesus' invitation?

What does Jesus say about leadership?

How could you be a servant leader today?

Prayer: Lord, help me become a servant leader.  Help me not to think more highly of myself than I should.  Give me the humility to wash the feet of others.  Amen.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 32 Influence (Day 5) - Influence with Our Lives

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Influence with Our Lives

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6; Matthew 5:14-16


How can we influence others by being the fragrance of Christ?

Where does our influence come from?

How are you like a letter, written by Christ?

Think about your week ahead.  How can you influence others simply by releasing the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ?

Prayer: Lord, I want to point people to you by the very way I live my life.  Let my words and actions come together to lead people in your directions.  Let my sphere of influence open doors for people around me to find themselves in you.  I have nothing to speak of on my own, but through you I find strength and power to influence people to find you.  Give me life, write on my heart, call me to be an influence for you wherever we are.  Amen.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 32 Influence (Day 4) - Chain Reaction

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Chain Reaction

Scripture Reading: Acts 6:8-15, 7;54-8:3, 9:1-22


Why did Stephen "stand out among the believers?"

How did Stephen try to influence people to turn to God right up tot he last moment of his life?

Saul witnessed Stephen's death, kill many more Christians, but later came to know Christ.  How can the godly influence of one believer be like a chain reaction?

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the strength and witness of Stephen.  Help me influence others to receive you.  Use me to influence even the hardest of hearts to experience your love and grace in Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 32 Influence (Day 3) - Positive and Negative Influence

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Positive and Negative Influence

Scripture Reading: Ezra 4:1-5, 4:24-5:17, 6:14-18


Why did the people stop the rebuilding of the temple?

How were they influenced to start working again?

Who has cheered you on to keep going when you have felt discouraged or defeated?

Whom can you cheer on today?

Prayer: God, sometimes I get discouraged and defeated easily.  I feel like my enemies mock and want me to just give up.  But you are faithful.  You send people into my life to cheer me on and be a positive influence to others as well. Amen.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 32 Influence (Day 2) - Talking Donkeys

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Talking Donkeys

Scripture Reading: Numbers 22:1-28, 24:1-14


How did Balaam gain infleunce?

How did God get Balaam's attention?

How has God used surprising means to get your attention?

Prayer: God, sometimes I don't notice when you're trying to get my attention.  I can get so focused on tasks that I lose sight of how you might be leading me.  Give me eyes to see you, ears to hear you, and the courage to be used as you will to influence people for your purposes. Amen.

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 32 Influence (Day 1) - Dare to Influence

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Dare to Influence

Scripture Reading: Joshua 2:1-24, 6:15-25; James 2:24-26


How did her obedience and influence help her family?

When have you found yourself in a place of influence?

When you align yourself with God's plans, how can you influence a situation in your life now?

Prayer: God, I see once again that you choose unlikely people to be influential in bringing about your will.  Help me learn from her obedience and use my influence for you.  Amen.

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 31 God's Will (Day 5) - Seeking God's Will in Scripture

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Seeking God's Will in Scripture

Scripture Reading: Psalm 19:7-14; Proverbs 2:1-11


How does the psalmist describe the Lord's instructions?

What promises come to those who accept God's Wisdom?

How does immersion into God's word guide us as we seek God's will?

How much time do you spend in God's word each day?  How could you commit to more time in the Bible?

Prayer: God, thank you so much for your instructions and presence in the scriptures.  Help me immerse myself in your instructions and teaching until I know your heart.  Reveal your will to me as I seek you. Amen.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 31 God's Will (Day 4) - The Holy Spirit Shows Us God's Will

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Holy Spirit Shows Us God's Will

Scripture Reading: Acts 16:6-10; Colossians 1:9-14


How do we gain knowledge of God's will?

How did the Holy Spirit work in Acts 16:6-10?

How has the Holy Spirit worked to show you to go in a specific direction?

How can you stay attuned to the presence of the Holy Spirit as you look for God's will?

Prayer: Lord, I pray that you would show me where to go as clearly as you showed Paul the vision of the Macedonian.  Open and close doors until I know the path you've laid for me.  Give me all wisdom and spiritual understanding as I seek you.  Amen.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 31 God's Will (Day 3) - Seeking God's Will Through Prayer

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Seeking God's Will Through Prayer

Scripture Reading: Psalm 27; Matthew 6:7-15


How does Psalm 27 teach us about the connection between prayer and living in God's will?

What did David ask of God?

How does the prayer Jesus taught us invite God to show us God's will?

How can you seek God's will through prayer?

Prayer: Lord, I long to be close to you and feel your presence.  I want to know you and know your will for my life.  Help me be diligent in prayer as I seek your will.  Amen.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 31 God's Will (Day 2) - Submitting to God's Timing

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Submitting to God's Timing

Scripture Reading: Psalm 37:3-7; James 4:13-17


What does Psalm 37:3-7 teach us about putting God first?  What is God's promise?

Why is it so easy to concoct our own plans and disregard God's will?

How often do you catch yourself planning your life without discerning God's will?

How can we remember to seek God first in our planning?

Prayer: God, I want to farm faithfulness.  I want to seek your and wait on your timing.  Help me not to get ahead of myself and leave you behind.  Amen.

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 31 God's Will (Day 1) - The Starting Point

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Starting Point

Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:97-112


How did the psalmist gain a deeper understanding of God's will?

How does this psalm encourage you as you discern God's will?

How can you seek out God's will more clearly in your life?

Prayer: Lord, your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey.  As I seek your will, help me look to your word in scripture and seek you in prayer.  Help me delight in obedience and discover the joy of walking closely with you   Amen.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 30 Radical Faith (Day 5) - Radical Giving

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Radical Giving

Scripture Reading: Luke 21:1-4


How did  the widow demonstrate a radical faith?

Why was her offering more pleasing than that of the rich people throwing their gifts into the collection box?

When have you given everything you had to live on believing God would meet your needs?  What was the outcome?

Prayer: Lord, I don't want to be like those who throw spare change at you.  I want to give from the depths of everything I have and all that I am.  Help me have the faith to give everything I have to you.   Amen.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 30 Radical Faith (Day 4) - Grace When we Lack Faith

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Grace When we Lack Faith

Scripture Reading: Mark 9:14-29


What was wrong with the way the father asked Jesus to heal his son?  

How did Jesus respond?

When have you prayed for help with a lack of faith?

What connection did Jesus make between prayer and faith?

Prayer: Lord, I do have faith, but I have moments of lack of faith and unbelief.  Help my lack of faith.  Give me the radical faith to believe that you can work miracles in my life   Amen.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 30 Radical Faith (Day 3) - The Cost of Radical Faith

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  The Cost of Radical Faith

Scripture Reading: Luke 9:51-62, 14:25-35


What does Jesus say is the cost of following him?  

Why does Jesus say that it's important to count the cost?

What did a few of the disciples ask to go do before they could follow Jesus?

What do you give up to follow Jesus?  What is the "cross" that you carry?

Prayer: Lord, I want to believe that I can leave everything behind to follow you.  Help me carry my cross and follow you wherever you go.   Amen.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 30 Radical Faith (Day 2) - The Ultimate Display of Radical Faith

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  The Ultimate Display of Radical Faith

Scripture Reading: Genesis 22:1-19


What did God ask of Abraham?

How did Abraham show a radical faith?

How did God reward Abraham for his faith?

How could you come to trust in God and have radical faith of Abraham?

Prayer: God, I can't imagine the obedience and faith that Abraham displayed.  I don't believe I'm capable of such radical faith.  But you bring about faith and trust.  Give me steadfast, unyielding faith of Abraham.   Amen. 

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 30 Radical Faith (Day 1) - In the Face of Persecution

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  In the Face of Persecution

Scripture Reading: Acts 5:12-42


Why were they apostles persecuted?

Where did they find their strength?

Have you ever felt persecuted for your faith?  How did you show a radical faith?

Prayer: Lord, your message is not always well received.  Sometimes I get intimidated when I face opposition or unbelief.  Help me stand on the shoulders of Peter and the apostles, and boldly proclaim your good news, no matter what.   Amen. 

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 29 God's Call (Day 5) - The Call for Us All

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  The Call for Us All

Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11; John 1:35-51


How did Jesus call his first disciples?

What did he mean when he told them they would fish for people?

What did Jesus mean when he said that they would see greater things?

How do you receive this call from Jesus to fish for people?

Prayer: Lord, you call me in the same way you called your disciples to leave everything and follow you.  Give me the courage to drop my net, leave my boat, and follow you wherever you go.  Let me fish for people and draw them to you.  Than you for the gift of being part of your kingdom work today.   Amen. 

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 29 God's Call (Day 4) - God Calls and Equips

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  God Calls and Equips

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 1:1-10; 1 Samuel 3:1-21


What do these two call stories share in common?

How did God equip Jeremiah to fulfill his call?

How did Samuel respond to God's call?

How can God use you, no matter your age?

Prayer: God, thank you for these two great witnesses to your confidence in those whom you call, no matter their age.  Call me, Lord, and help me to respond, "Speak Lord, Your servant is listening."  Amen. 

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 29 God's Call (Day 3) - Good Enough to be Used

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Good Enough to be Used

Scripture Reading: Exodus 3-4


How did God appear to Moses?

What were Moses' excuses for not being good enough to be used by God?

When have you excused away God's ability to use you?

How has God proven to you that God gives you everything you need when God calls you?

Prayer: God, I'm like Moses and have a million reasons why you shouldn't pick me.  I'm not good enough, but you call me anyway.  Help me to believe you when you call and accept that you call ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  Amen. 

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 29 God's Call (Day 2) - Hearing God's Voice

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Hearing God's Voice

Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-21


How did God speak to Elijah?

What events took place that seemed like they would precede God's voice?

What noise in your life keeps you from hearing God?

How can you create space to hear the quiet voice of God?

Prayer: God, so many things are noise in my life as I try to listen for your voice.  Help me clear out the noise and distractions so I can hear you when you call.   Amen. 

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 29 God's Call (Day 1) - God Calls the Unlikely

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  God Calls the Unlikely

Scripture Reading: Acts 9:1-31


What did God call Ananias to do? Saul?

What was a result of these two men's "yes" to God's call?

How do these two call stories help you understand God's call in your own life?

Prayer: Lord, you chose Saul, a persecutor of the church and killer of Christians, to become a great apostle, who took the gospel far and wide.  If you can use Saul, Lord, you can use me.  I'll go wherever you call.  Amen. 

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