Friday, February 28, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The Searcher of Human Hearts

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Searcher of Human Hearts

Scripture:  John 2:23-25

Read John 2

Why does it take a miracle or miraculous signs before people believe?
If people can only believe in signs and not prophetic words then how can they practice self-denial?

How can Jesus trust those following him when the human heart is fickle, unstable and emotional?  

Did some people follow Jesus just because he was the newest teacher in town? Did some follow because they really understood his message and was preparing to follow to the end?

Prayer:   God of glory, we ask you not to show us miraculous signs, but touch our hearts with your words.  Let us not be followers of what you can do but trust us to be vessels to follow you because we believe in your words.  Amen.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The Surrender of Nathanael

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Surrender of Nathanael

Scripture:  John 1:43-51

Why is it so hard for us to believe the words of others?  How often have we responded like Nathanael? Why?

Many of us when we first met Christ, we were excited to tell others to "come and see".  When was the last time you sat down and shared your faith and simple story about our Lord and Savior?

Prayer:   Creator, you've called us to come and see about Jesus Christ.  As we make our way to you, we ask that you put in us a simple message to share with others.  Help us to be bold as we talk about your love and grace for all of us.  Use us today as a vessel to spread the good news.  Amen.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The One Who Sees

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The One Who Sees

Scripture:  John 1:40-42

God knows our full potential, sometimes it takes other to tell us what they see in us.  What potential does someone else see in you?

Simon Peter name was Greek and then Jesus gave him the Aramaic name Cephas.  Because of his new relationship with Jesus, his name was changed.  Why did Jesus call him Cephas?

Prayer:   Creator, we come to you asking you what do you see in us?  We know there is a new name for us, but it has not been revealed.  Send the Holy Spirit to confirm on us what we shall become and what we shall be called for what you've called us to do.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The First Disciples

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The First Disciples

Scripture:  John 1:35-39

When you truly accepted Christ, how far did God have to come to meet you?

How would you answer the question Jesus proposed?

On this life journey, what do you understand about your purpose God has called you to be a Christian?

Prayer:   Lord, the first disciples followed you without questions, but Jesus proposed the questions to them.  Let us be like this disciples to ask the question where you live so we can follow and stay with you.   Amen.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The Coming of the Spirit

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Coming of the Spirit

Scripture:  John 1:32-34

John and Jesus are cousins, why wasn't John able to recognize him?

What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit?

There's a difference between John's water baptism and Jesus Holy Spirit baptism.  John baptized to cleanse and dedicate, Jesus baptized to saturate our lives with knowing God's will, give us strength to handle life and purify us by making us holy.

Prayer:   God, we ask you to come descend on us like a dove daily.  Allow you spirit to enter into our lives like a flood.  Amen.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay Day 5 - The Witness of John

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Witness of John

Scripture:  John 1:19-28

John's lineage is one of a priest from Aaron.  So why do you think the other Priests and Levites went to see him?

How would you feel if your peers questioned your authority and motive for speaking on behalf of God?  Would they think you were a false prophet?

How often do you allow your witness, words and actions point to Jesus instead of yourself?

Prayer:   Lord of all, we come to bear witness to you.  We ask that when we speak and do things to help others that the light in me will shine and point to you.  Please let me speech be full of all the authority you have given John the Baptist.  I want to proclaim your word before a people who haven't heart about your unfailing love. Amen.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay Day 4 - The Testing Time

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Testing Time

Scripture:  Mark 1:12-13

Once we accept Jesus Christ in our lives, why does temptation continue to test us?

Read Matthew 4:1-11 What ways did the evil one tried to tempt Jesus?

Like Jesus, we all have a testing time.  What have made you stronger in the test.

Why was the angels present?

 Prayer:   God, I been tested in my faithfulness in you.  It seems every time you bless me temptation is always around.  Help me to be stronger when temptation come and most of all provide the help I need to make the right decision during the test. Amen.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No-Excuse WOW Bible Study starts at 7pm

Join us as we Journey through the Psalms.  Tonight we will discuss Psalm 6

Conference Call: 1 (530) 881-1212 Meeting ID: 944312457
Live Webinar:

Replay information can be found under St Paul UMC WOW Bible Study Tab

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay Day 3 - The Day of Decision

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Day of Decision

Scripture:  Mark 1:9-11

Why was it necessary for Jesus to be baptized?

How was Jesus' identity revealed? Why?

Prayer:   Lord, I want to be like so in so many ways. I have been baptized and now my  identity is with you.  Help me to always make the right decision because of my relationship with you. Amen.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay Day 2 - The Herald of the King

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Herald of the King

Scripture:  Mark 1:5-8


In what ways John the Baptist was different from the people of  his day?

Why did the message of repentance make such an impact upon the nation?

In this passage, the untying of a person sandals is for the servant to do.  So, why does John believe he is not fit to untie, loosen or remove the sandals from Jesus' feet?  

Write a list of the things that have made you humble?

Prayer:   Lord, I am reminded daily that being different in life shows that I don't have to be in the status quo of life, in the very important circle and my name as a headliner to serve you.  Convict me when I'm not humble, when I'm always pointing to me and not to you.  Let the message you have given me make an impact on those around me so they would want to humble themselves before you. Amen.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay Day 1 - The Beginning of the Story

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Beginning of the Story

Scripture:  Mark 1:1-4


How do you share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around you?

What kind of sins can hold you back from fully surrendering your all to God?
Why was it necessary for John to baptize the people?

Prayer:   God, reveal in us the purpose of the forerunner.  Help us to be bold in our witness of Jesus Christ.  We know that John challenged the people to repent and you have called me to do the same.  Please forgive my sins so I can accept your forgiveness of who I am as I become who you called.  Amen.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 52 Savior (Day 5) - Our Savior-Friend

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Our Savior-Friend
Scripture Reading: John 15:9-17


How does it make you feel that Christ chose you?
How do you respond to Jesus calling you a friend?

What was the main point Jesus was trying to get across about how to live?

Prayer: Jesus, I'm awed and humbled that you call me friend.  You chose me to be your friend and partner in ministry.  Lord, fill me with your Spirit so I can live the way you called me to.  Help me to love.  Help me to lay my life down for you, my Savior-Friend. Amen.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 52 Savior (Day 4) - Living Hope

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Living Hope
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:3-9; Romans 5:1-5


What does it mean to have a living hope?
What does Peter say is the goal of our salvation?

How does Paul say we receive hope?

When have you felt hope alive in you?

Prayer: Lord, you are my only hope.  It's all about you.  You're my salvation, my joy, future and friend.  Your hope doesn't disappoint.  Thank you for your grace that extends an inheritance to me that cannot perish.  Fill me with hope and make my hope alive. Amen.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 52 Savior (Day 3) - Salvation and Wholeness

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Salvation and Wholeness
Scripture Reading: Mark 1:40-45; 8:22-26


What does Mark 1:45 say was the reason Jesus couldn't go into town?
How does your perception of salvation change to understand shalom is a component of its meaning?

In what ways do you need healing or wholeness right now?

Prayer:  Jesus, if you want, you can make me clean.  Would you heal me of all the sing that keep me in bondage and hold me back from living freely for you?  Your salvation promises wholeness and wellness; Lord, make me well.  You are my savior; your bring the dead to life again.  Give me a new life in you.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 52 Savior (Day 2) - Changed by the Savior

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Changed by the Savior
Scripture Reading: 1 John 2:1-6; John 14:15-21


What does it mean to have Jesus as our advocate when we sin?
Who is our Companion as we follow Jesus?

How are you being changed as you live out your salvation?

What guidance or counsel do you need from your Companion today?

Prayer:  Lord, I want to live in the light.  I want to be free from sin, but sometimes I choose my old ways.  Thank you for saving me from all my sin.  Your grace covers them all, and I'm grateful.  Walk with me, guide me and lead min your truth. Amen.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 52 Savior (Day 1) - The Need for a Savior

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
The Need for a Savior
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:6-21; John 3:16-17


What do you understand about humanity's need for a savior?

What was your life like before you came to know Christ?

What do you understand about your need for a savior?

Prayer:  Lord, I am in need of a savior.  Than you for meeting me where I am an making a way for me to be with you.  You gave your life to undo my slavery to sin.  You gave me new life in your Spirit and freed me to live for you.  I'm grateful, humbled and hope-filled.  Thank you, Lord.  Amen.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 51 New Song (Day 5) - Life Song

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Life Song
Scripture Reading: Psalm 96:1-13


How does the psalm describe God?

What is your new song for God?

How does this psalm set your heart toward gratitude for all God has done in your life?

Prayer:  God, you are good.  Your glory is more than I can take in.  You paint he sky in amazing colors; you light the sky with stars.  I praise you for your great and mighty works, and for your deep, relational love for me.  Let my life be a praise song for you, Lord.   Amen.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 51 New Song (Day 4) - All Things New

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
All Things New
Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:1-14; Revelation 21:1-7


How is God's timing different from ours?

Describe your image of heaven.  How do today's readings paint a picture of heaven for you?

How does looking tot he new heaven give your encouragement in these days?

Prayer:  Lord, I pray for the day when you make all things new.  When we feel pressed on every side on this earth, help us remember that you are preparing a place for us.  Make us holy and worthy of your eternal glory.  Amen.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 51 New Song (Day 3) - Help in Burnout

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Help in Burnout
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:25-31; 2 Corinthians 4:7-18


What does it mean to be renewed in strength?

When have you felt like you were flying up like eagles?

How can you avoid feeling far from God or feeling burned out?

Prayer:  God, you never leave me alone.  You're always guiding, comforting, and renewing me.  Thank you for your faithfulness.  Thank you for your goodness.  When I'm tired and burned out, God, come and renew my strength.  Make me fly like an eagle    Amen.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 51 New Song (Day 2) - Second Chances

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Second Chances
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:6-9; Luke 15:11-32


How do the verses from Isaiah give us hope for a second chance when we need it?
How would you describe the Father in the parable of the two sons?

How has God shown you love and mercy when you didn't deserve it?

In what ways do you need a fresh start today?

Prayer:  Lord, I'm so grateful I can come home to you.  You even come running to me.  Thank you for your unconditional, unmerited love that draws me back to you time and time again.  When I fall away from you, come get me.  When I lose my way, Lord, find me.  Please don't run out of chances for me.  Help me grow into the child you created me to be.  Amen.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekday Devotional - Week 51 New Song (Day 1) - Starting Over

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.
Starting Over
Scripture Reading: Psalm 33


Why does the psalmist praise God?
How can you thank God for the past?

What new thing is God doing in your life now?

How can you sing a new song to the Lord now?

Prayer:  God,  I stand in awe of you.  You created the world to sing your praise.  You created me to sing your songs.  Thank you for all you've done in my life.  Put a new song in my heart and show me where you want me to go.  I'll go singing your praise all the way.  Amen.