Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 4-Spiritual Growth Development II

Celebration of Discipline Bible Study
Prepared by: Rev. Willetta Ar-Rahmaan
Week 4-Spiritual Growth Development II

Last week lesson we compared the physical development of a baby/infant to the spiritual development of a baby/infant in Christ. This week I struggle to write because I wanted to move forward with the next level but God is holding me to the baby/infant stage just a little while longer. The more I reflect on this stage of spiritual development I look back on my own spiritual walk and glean from that first year of nurturing, support and assurance. There were many days I doubted this was for me because I converted from Islam to Christianity. I witness first hard how wicked people could be to leaders, friends and others. I thought to myself I could have stayed a non practicing Muslim if this is what Christians act like this outside of Sunday morning. We can talk about this until Jesus comes back so let us move on with the rest of a babe in Christ.

If we shame the devil and tell the truth, the first year is always a struggle and the period of adjustment. If you don’t believe me think about when the newborn baby comes home, the first year of marriage, the first year of divorce, the first year in college, the first year in a new job or in a new city. It’s not easy but we learn along the way. Just as a baby learns how to crawl and walk we do the same as new Christians.

As a new Christian there was parts of worship, the language and traditions I just didn’t understand. The spiritual milk for a babe in Christ is more than just reading the Bible, it’s being taught with genuine love, being nurtured and reassured of the decision we made. The first year of our spiritual growth is to prepare us for the journey. The spiritual milk consists of getting to know your bible, learning simple prayers, starting a personal devotional period, understanding worship and the church lingo: terminology used (i.e. Salvation, Restoration, Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost, Ordinances, Tithing, Sacraments, Baptism, Communion, slain in the spirit, speaking in tongues and etc). As we learn the first year we need to be surrounded by people who will not only pray for us but pray with us. So many times in the first year we feel abandon because we are new to the faith, new to the community and new to the church. Many churches have ministries for the first year Christian, the babe in Christ or reborn Christian. These types of ministries are very vital for the first year. Many churches and Christian often suffer from “spiritual amnesia” according to Dr. Joel Gregory. We forget what it is like to be new in Christ and we just assume everyone grew up in the church. When we encounter new Christians they will be zealous, on fire and overly excited about this journey. To all the newcomers to Christ take your time to grow but remember God can speed the growing process like he did Paul (Acts 9:1-22), because Paul already had a foundation and a relationship with God.

Going Deeper:
1. Do you remember your first year as a Christian? Did you receive sufficient assurance? Did this make an impact as you began your journey?
2. Do you encounter non-church people on a regular basis? What type of language do you use when talking to them?
3. What are some things you needed more help as a babe in Christ? How can you improve the experience of new Christians in your church?

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