Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Meditation - Uncertain Future

Uncertain Future

 When we are away from our familiar sights and routine, we would isolate ourselves from others.  We may go to school or work, but once we get home we don’t leave again.  Our actions say we want to be alone and don’t bother me, but deep inside we hope that someone would come to our rescue.  Instead of reaching out we retreat to our shell.  Just like a turtle when danger appears, it hides itself in its shell.  When we retreat we try to go back to familiar things of life.  We go back to the old ways of doing things.  We want to go back to the old neighborhood, the old church, the old school and to the old friends.  Sometimes strange things happen when we retreat.  People treat us differently.  Some of the old things we long for cause us to stumble and fall.  Instead of moving forward we peddle backwards and stunt our growth. 
When we stunt our growth we give power to the negative side of life.  We find a place of refuge that is dark and away from life.  A place where no one could hear from us but a place only others who are uncertain about the future would be found.  This is the place we find David, the future King of Israel.  David has been on the run from Saul from place to place.  David is the youngest son of Jesse from the tribe of Judah.  David killed Goliath, he was the one they sung a song about him killing ten thousand while Saul killed his thousand.  He was the harp player for Saul when an evil spirit came upon Saul.  He was put over the army by Saul.  He married Saul’s daughter Michal and was his son Jonathan best friend (like brothers).  Even with all this David was found in a dark cave, running from Saul’s persecution.  He was disconnected and isolated from the familiar places of life. 
David was uncertain about his future because he knew what Samuel told him but he may have been in deep doubt cause of the persecution inflicted by Saul.  Many times we find ourselves in David’s shoes being obedient to God’s will and still uncertain about the future.  As believers in Jesus Christ we pray and hope for revelation about our future.  We may get a glimpse of it and then every situation we encountered we hope this was that future we’ve seen.  The key to our future is learning how to transform and learn from our past so our present will be a better foundation for our future.

Prayer: God of our future we know you know the plans for our lives.  We ask for your discipline as we prepare to walk into our future you have revealed to us.  Amen.

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