Friday, April 4, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The Increasing Opposition

Daily Devotions with William Barclay
365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament

The Increasing Opposition
Scripture:  Luke 6:1-5

In the world today we realize there are too many hungry people.  When people are hungry they will do anything to get food including breaking the law.  Re-read Luke and read 1 Samuel 21:1-6
What law did David break and why?  
What are the laws of the Sabbath?
Since Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, did they really break the laws of the Sabbath? Why or why not?

Prayer: Creator of the universe and humanity thank you for your presence in the time of opposition during life it's always a teaching moment for all. Amen.

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