Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 42 (Holy Week)

Lent Day 42 (Holy Week) - Celebrating Holy Week has it high and low moments.  As we continue with Jesus' journey to the cross we must take a good look at what Jesus has done for humanity.  Jesus reminds us, like the woman with two mites, to give out of our poverty and instead of our excess.  When we sacrifice, let it come from a true sacrifice not just because it's been laying around and we decide to give it away.

Fill Me Up by Casey J

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 6

PM: Psalm 94

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 15:10-21

Epistle:  Philippians 3:15-21

Gospel:  John 12:20-26

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 41 (Holy Week)

Lent Day 41 (Holy Week) - As we trace some of the steps of Jesus according to the Gospel.  On this Holy Monday, Jesus made his way to the temple and began cleansing it.  As we prepare ourselves for the week of events, what are some things that needs to be cleansed in our life so we can be obedient to God?

Clean Me Up by O'Landa Draper's Associates

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 51

PM: Psalm 69:1-23

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 12:1-16

Epistle:  Philippians 3:1-14

Gospel:  John 12:9-19

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 40 (Palm Sunday - Holy Week)

Lent Day 40 - Palm Sunday!  It's the beginning of Holy Week.  Jesus made his grand entry into Jerusalem as the people were waving palms and shouting Hosanna.  What a magnificent entry into the lives of the oppressed an marginalized people.  What a great sign of hope.  Will you lift your palm today and give praise to God because hope is still possible?

Hosanna by Kirk Franklin

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 24, 29

PM:  Psalm 42, 43

Old Testament AM:  Zechariah 9:9-12

Old Testament PM:  Zechariah 12:9-13:9

Epistle:  1 Timothy 6:12-16

Gospel:  Matthew 21:12-17

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 39

Lent Day 39 - Reflection, Reflection Reflection.  This is the day before Palm Sunday.  As Jesus turned his face towards Jerusalem many were not happy with him because they wanted him to stay where he was and to keep doing miracles and healing for them.  What is it in our lives we want to keep holding on to but we really do need to let go?

Let Go by DeWayne Woods

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 137, 144

PM:  Psalm 42, 43

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 31:27-34

Epistle:  Romans 11:25-36

Gospel:  John 11:28-44or John 12:37-50

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 38

Lent Day 38 - We serve a God who shows up on time.  One of the things we learn in life is that if we show up God will do the rest. Show up in someone's life today.  We never know how much that will mean to them.

Show up by John P. Kee and The New Life Community Choir

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 22

PM:  Psalm 141, 143

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 29:1, 4-13

Epistle:  Romans 11:13-24

Gospel:  John 11:1-27 or John 12:1-10

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Daily Scritpure Readings Lent 2015 - Day 37

Lent Day 37 - Struggle is so real to the point we believe life is nothing but a struggle.  One truth about struggle is that we learn about ourselves as we go through the struggle.  It's a struggle to live in this image of God because the music, media, magazine and social quo tells us different.  If we are struggling we know greater is waiting for us to become what God has created us to be.  The agitation in life prepares us to walk into our purpose.  If we don't believe struggle prepares us, just look at the process of a pearl or the beauty of a butterfly.  These did not come without struggle and agitation.

Greater is Coming by Jekalyn Carr

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 131, 132, 133

PM:  Psalm 140, 142

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 26:1-16

Epistle:  Romans 11:1-12

Gospel:  John 10:19-42

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Scritpure Readings Lent 2015 - Day 36

Lent Day 36 - Transformation is real.  Everyone of has been transformed in life.  When we witness the transformation of others we are amazed and blown away by them.  When we read the word, we realize we are reading the transformation of lives as they encounter the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ.  It's impossible to remain the same when we've been touched by the finger of God's love.  We are truly being rebuilt by God because of God's love.  Rebuild us today Lord.

Rebuild by J. Moss

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 119:145-176

PM:  Psalm 128, 129, 130

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 25:30-38

Epistle:  Romans 10:14-21

Gospel:  John 10:1-18

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Daily Scritpure Readings Lent 2015 - Day 35

Lent Day 35 -There ought to be an excitement when we are in the presence of God.  We should be excited about worship, the reading of the word, the songs that speaks to our souls, the prayers that articulate what we can't utter and the proclamation of the word.  As we quickly approach Palm Sunday, there was an excitement around Jesus and what he was doing.  Let's get excited every time we step into the presence of God. This excitement only comes when we are living by the spirit.  When we live in the spirit of God, the spirit of God falls on us.

Spirit Fall Down by Luther Barnes

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 121, 122, 123

PM:  Psalm 124, 125, 126

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 25:8-17

Epistle:  Romans 10:1-13

Gospel:  John 9:18-41

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 34

Lent Day 34 - God is doing the impossible in so many lives.  The impossible may seem simple to some of us, but to so many of us the little things that God does changes our landscape on life.  Because of this many of us will go back to God and say THANK YOU!  Have you said Thank You Lord this morning?

I Am The One by Kurt Carr and the Kurt Carr Singers

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 31

PM:  Psalm 35

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 24:1-10

Epistle:  Romans 9:19-33

Gospel:  John 9:1-17

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 33 (5th Sunday)

Fifth Sunday in Lent - For those who are following this daily reading, let me be the first to point out I made a mistake.  I sure did counted the Sunday readings.  Really when you add all the days it's 46 days.  Sunday is not a counted day but since I counted the last 4 Sunday's why stop now.  We are getting closer to Psalm Sunday.  As you prepare yourself for worship on this Sunday, reflect over the past 32 days.  What have you learned about yourself?  What have you learned about God?  What have your learned about others? If you haven't learned much or want to learn more ask God to teach you more.

Teach Me Oh Lord by Vanessa Bell Armstrong

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 118

PM:  Psalm 145

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 23:16-32

Epistle:  1 Corinthians 9:19-27

Gospel:  Mark 8:31-9:1

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 32

Lent Day 32 - In the world of social media we rarely meet people face to face.  There are times when we need to meet people, to hug people and get some face time in.  As human beings we have a need to be touched by the love of others.  When we are touched by those who love us we realize they do care about us.  Everybody needs someone in this life  to lean on and to love on. There are people we depend on to survive because we haven't learned to depend on God totally.  God help us to step away from social media for a moment and show us that one person we need in our life.  The one person who will pray for us and will lift us up as we do the same for them.

I Need You to Survive by Hezekiah Walker

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 102, 108

PM:  Psalm 33

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 23:9-15

Epistle:  Romans 9:1-18

Gospel:  John 6:60-71

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 31

Lent Day 31 - It's hard to be ourselves when the environment around us dictates we need to be someone else.  When we act like other people we forget who we are.  When we forget we want to harm ourselves.  In order for us to reclaim ourselves we pray for someone to see us beyond our physical appearance.  When we are seen beyond the physically our inner self will start to emerge.  When our inner self emerge, the outer self will die.  Therefore when we continue to ask God to endow us with God's spirit we understand why our old self must die.  Lord Make me over from the inside.

Make Me Over by Tonex

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 107:1-32

PM:  Psalm 107:33-43

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 23:1-8

Epistle:  Romans 8:28-39

Gospel:  John 6:52-59

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 30

Lent Day 30 -The fasting during Lent truly reveals our strength and weakness.  Fasting gives us a chance to detox some things out of lives temporarily or permanently.  As we journey closer to Holy Week, reflect on what has happened in your life so far.  During this time we find out those who are truly disciples of God and seeking a stronger relationship with God.  This discipline of fasting reminds us we need a day set aside with God with no distractions so that God gets all the praise.  It may not be a whole day, it can be a few hours out of the day but whatever you do just sit in the presence of God.  Ask God to speak to your heart so you can see with your heart and hear with your eyes.

Speak to My Heart by Donnie McClurkin

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 69

PM:  Psalm 73

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 22:13-23

Epistle:  Romans 8:12-27

Gospel:  John 6:41-51

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 29

Lent Day 29 - The voice of change is the voice of social justice.  When we listen to certain music we can hear the songs of struggle, songs of change and songs for justice.  When the oppressed and marginalized people finally get enough they start a movement for change.  When a movement for change start, there will be people who will be against the status quo.  Today there is an unrest across the world.  People are fighting back for basic human rights being denied and redeeming who they are in the image of God.  Freedom! oh Freedom!

Redemption Song by Bob Marley & The Wailers

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 101, 109

PM:  Psalm 119:121-144

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 18:1-11

Epistle:  Romans 8:1-11

Gospel:  John 6:27-40

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 28

Lent Day 28 - As we mature in life we lose people, places and things.  When we lose those people to death we can't get them back but we can remember their presence, their love, their dreams and their hope.  When we lose people to death we hurt, we cry, we get depress and we want to give up.  Take the time to mourn and grieve but just don't give up on the healing power of God.  There will always be a place in your heart that still hurt.  Just don't give up on what God can do to transform you in the hurting season of life.

I Never Lost My Praise by Tramaine Hawkins

 Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 97, 99, 100

PM:  Psalm 94, 95

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 17:19-27

Epistle:  Romans 7:13-25

Gospel:  John 6:16-27

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 27

Lent Day 27 - There is some watching us.  No, I'm not talking about big brother rather I'm talking about others who see your spiritual journey with God.  We never know who is watching us from day to day.  As people watch us they listen to what we listen too and learn from our reaction. Let us be the example that shines the light of God.  The God who forgives and reconcile all people more than once.  Remember when we mess up, God does give us a second chance and others will see that too. 

Second Chance by Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship Choir

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 89;1-18

PM:  Psalm 89:19-52

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 16:10-21

Epistle:  Romans 7:1-12

Gospel:  John 6:1-15

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 26 (4th Sunday)

Lent Day 26 - Resurrection Sunday is getting closer.  Although Sundays are counted as part of Lent but the readings are necessary to keep us feed.  Feed your soul today with the WORD.  Pray for those who are new on this Lenten Journey.  Sing a song to the Lord.  Whatever you do today, feed your soul and let God be glorified.

Feed Me Lord

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 66, 67

PM:  Psalm 19, 46

Old Testament:  Galatians 4:21-5:1

Epistle:  1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Gospel:  Mark 8:11-21

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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 25

Lent Day 25 - Meditation is one of those disciplines needed for walking on a spiritual journey.  When we meditate, we focus on God.  Our focus is not on what God will do for us by us being good images of God.  We want to focus on God through meditation to help center us for the day.  When we center on God before we start our day, we'll handle the day a lot better.

Like the Dew by Juanita Bynum

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 87, 90

PM:  Psalm 91, 92

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 13:1-11

Epistle:  Romans 6:12-23

Gospel:  John 8:47-59

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 24

Lent Day 24 - Where is your gratitude?  That's a question many of us will ask when we hear people complain about life.  There so many people who died and may have not said thank you or apologized to those they've hurt.  Too often we are not thankful for getting up every morning and laying down because life hasn't been good to us.  Instead of complaining about life, let us tell God thank you for giving us another day to get things right in our life.  Living is a blessing because we have an opportunity to share God's love and testify about the real goodness of God.  Go tell someone why God loves and why you are so thankful for that love.

For Every Mountain by Kurt Carr

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 88

PM:  Psalm 91, 92

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 11:1-8, 14-20

Epistle:  Romans 6:1-11

Gospel:  John 8:33-47

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 23

Lent Day 23 - Day by Day many of us are just living.  We work to get a paycheck and pay the bills.  At one time we loved our job but now it's just a place that may drain us day in and day out.  The passion we had is now replaced by the demand that we must work to continue the life we are living.  Today let us praise God for what we have and remember if it wasn't for God we wouldn't have made it this far.  In order to make it further on our job, let us reclaim the joy we once had by recalling why we decided on that position in the first place. 

Never Would've Made It by Marvin Sapp

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 42, 43

PM:  Psalm 85, 86

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 10:11-24

Epistle:  Romans 5:12-21

Gospel:  John 8:21-32

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 22

Lent Day 22 - We would like to be apart something perfect or be perfect ourselves.  We must realize we are not perfect people.  We do serve a perfect God.  As we prepare ourselves to be in relationship with God we must remember we will fall and stumble.  We also need to remember that others will do the same.  Since we are not perfect people, we will have issues like everyone else.  Let us bear one another burden and pray for each other rather than judge one another. Living is hard enough and we really don't need anyone else to point out our mistakes especially when they haven't looked in the mirror of their mistakes.  When you fall down, get up, brush yourself off and get moving!

We Fall Down, But We Get Up by Donnie McClurkin

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 119:97-120

PM:  Psalm 81, 82

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 8:18-9:6

Epistle:  Romans 5:1-11

Gospel:  John 8:12-20

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 21

Lenten Day 21 - On the cross we say Jesus paid a ransom for our souls.  It was at the cross that God allowed a real sacrifice.  What Jesus did on the cross was more than paying a price for us, Jesus opened a door that was closed to all of us.  Jesus opened the door of reconciliation to God.  Through the reconciliation we now have an opportunity to have a relationship with God on our own.  No longer do we need a priest to pray for or make sacrifices for our sin.  Thank you God for making it possible to know who you are!

You Paid It All by Wes Morgan

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 78:1-39

PM:  Psalm 78:40-72

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 7:21-34

Epistle:  Romans 4:13-25

Gospel:  John 7:37-52

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 20

Lenten Day 20 - There are so many songs that speak to our hearts in the morning.  When our bodies sense the time to wake up for the day many of us have worship on our hearts and mind.  This morning worship God while it's peaceful and quiet.

Worship Medley - I Worship You Almighty God by Marvin Sapp

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 80

PM:  Psalm 77, 79

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 7:1-15

Epistle:  Romans 4:1-12

Gospel:  John 7:14-36

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daily Scritpure Readings Lent 2015 - Day 19 (3rd Sunday)

Lent Day 19 - We want more of God in us.  We want to be filled by the Holy Spirit.  As many of us know it takes sacrifice to be fully filled by God.  We continue to have the desire to things our way and call it God's way.  When we are filled by God, we will see in each of us the image of God, the love of God and the hope of God.  Instead of looking at our differences, let us look at our commonality.  Fill us up God with more of you and less of us.

Fill me Up by Casey J

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 93, 96

PM:  Psalm 34

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 6:9-15

Epistle:  1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Gospel:  Mark 5:1-20

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 18

Lent Day 18 - The song says in the morning when I rise.  When I rose this morning I didn't have no doubt.  Doubt is one of those things that cause us to second guess our decision and our relationship with God.  Many of us thought we would be able to last this long on the Lenten Journey.  When doubt creeps in our mind, remember with God nothing is impossible.  Let's put a plan in motion and kick doubt to the curb!

When I Rose This Morning by Mississippi Mass Choir

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 75, 76

PM:  Psalm 23, 27

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 5:20-31

Epistle:  Romans 3:19-31

Gospel:  John 7:1-13

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 17

Lent Day 17 - Too often we forsake time with God because we believe we can handle the situation.    When we try to fix a small problem and it gets to be bigger than we thought it would be, that's when we must realize and recognize there are no problems or situations too small for God.  Instead of thinking we can fix small things, let us seek God in prayer in all things in our lives first.  Be bold and courageous when turning it all over to God. 

Come to the Well by Casting Crowns

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 69

PM:  Psalm 73

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 5:1-9

Epistle:  Romans 2:25-3:18

Gospel:  John 5:30-47

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 16

Lent Day 16 - Worship begin with our praise of God.  During this Lenten Season let us recognize the things we worship.  So many of us worship God only when it is necessary.  We ought not worship God when we need things, we should worship God for being our protector, our safety and our hope.  When we worship things and objects other than God, then we are tore in our worship.  Let us remember the one we worship ought to be the one we trust.

You Alone by Arkansas Gospel Mass Choir

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 70, 71

PM:  Psalm 74

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 4:9-10, 19-28

Epistle:  Romans 2:12-24

Gospel:  John 5:19-29

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 15

Lent Day 15 - On the morning prayer line we spoke about intercessory prayer.  The question that went forth was "Who are your interceding for during the Lenten Season?"  Too often we only want to pray for our needs and forget the needs of others, but we are to pray for one another, love one another and bear one another burden.  Let us be specific in our prayers for ourselves and others.  Take the time today to pray for your neighbors, your co-workers and those who you come in contact.  We are a people who know that prayer does and will change things.

 Somebody Prayed for Me by Dorothy Norwood with the Georgia Mass Choir

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 72

PM:  Psalm 119:73-96

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 3:6-18

Epistle:  Romans 1:28-2:11

Gospel:  John 5:1-18

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 14

Lent Day 14 - During this time we should be seeking and looking for a stronger relationship with God, finding our passion and pursuing our purpose.  When we recognize the power behind Lent in our relationship with God, we feel the JOY of the Holy Spirit in us.  This is the kind of joy that no one in the world can take it away or give to us.  This is the Joy of the Lord.  Joy, Joy God's great Joy.  We are the joy of the Lord!  Now, allow God to be our Joy!

Joy by The Georgia Mass Choir

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 61, 62

PM:  Psalm 68

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 2:1-13

Epistle:  Romans 1:16-25

Gospel:  John 4:43-54

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 13

Lent Day 13 - Life is full of choices we make.  The choices we make determines our integrity and commitment.  In today's world we have more choice than before.  There was a time on Sunday you couldn't find a store open because of the blue laws.  Sunday meals were at home or at our places of faith.  In the world today we complain about people not going to a place of worship and we forget there are more choices now (i.e. stores open, youth sports, sporting events and etc). In this world of choices we need to decide what's important to us.  Choice wisely and make the choice that will impact your life for eternity.

This Day by Whitney Houston

Daily Readings

AM:  Psalm 56, 57, 58

PM:  Psalm 64, 65

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 1:11-19

Epistle:  Romans 1:1-15

Gospel:  John 4:27-42

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Daily Scripture Readings Lent 2015 - Day 12 (2nd Sunday)

Lent Day 12 - God has done so much for us and there are times we feel we haven't done enough for God.  What is God looking for us to do?  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and Love your neighbor as yourself.  I believe when we do this God will smile on us and this will give God the glory.  Let us do what will give God the Glory!!!  Let us live for the Glory of God!

For Your Glory by Tasha Cobbs

Daily Readings:

AM:  Psalm 24, 29

PM:  Psalm 8, 84

Old Testament:  Jeremiah 1:1-10

Epistle:  1 Corinthians 3:11-23

Gospel:  Mark 3:31-4:9

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