Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 28 Contagious Life (Day 5) - Imitate Christ

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Imitate Christ

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:17-5:2


What behaviors of a Christ follower are listed in this passage?

What behaviors are pare of the former life?

How do we imitate God?

How will you live a contagious life that points others to the great love of God?

Prayer: Lord, help me put away my former self with my old behavior and put on your love, truth, and goodness instead.  Help me live a life that attracts people to your love.  Thank you for the example of Christ.  May I be a faithful imitator of his love.  Amen. 

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 28 Contagious Life (Day 4) - Persuading Others to Faith

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Persuading Others to Faith

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2


What motivated Paul to share his faith?

How are we Christ's ambassadors?

How has your experience of God's love affected how you tell others about God's love?

Prayer: Lord, I've blown away that you call me to minister to the world with you.  Thank you for the reconciling work of Christ that allows me to be called your child.  Empower me to point others toward a restored relationship with you, and give me words that persuade people of your love for them. Amen. 

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Weekday Devotiional - Week 28 Contagious Life (Day 3) - Witness in Trials

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Witness in Trials

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-2:2


Why did Paul want to share his trials with the church in Corinth?

What was Paul's testimony to the church there?

What trials have you been through?

How can your story be a witness to others?

Prayer: Lord, I know you never promised me a perfect life.  I know I'll have trials and struggles as I live out my faith in this world.  I pray that you would help  me to use those trials as a testimony to your great love and presence.  Help me to tell your story well. Amen. 

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 28 Contagious Life (Day 2) - Bearing Fruit

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Bearing Fruit

Scripture Reading: Luke 6:27-49; Matthew 7:15-20


What is the fruit of a life in Christ?

How do today's passages describe a Christian lifestyle?

How do your words connect to what you do?

How can we put Jesus' words in practice?

Prayer: Lord, let me bear your fruit in the world.  Let the very way I live be contagious and point people to your saving love.  Amen. 

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 28 Contagious Life (Day 1) - Contagious Love

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Contagious Love

Scripture Reading: John 13:34-35; 1 John 3:11-24


How can people know that they follow Jesus?

Whose love and contagious life has shown you that they follow Jesus?

How can you live a contagious life so that others come to know Jesus by your actions?

Prayer: Lord, I don't always demonstrate the kind of love you call me to.  It can be hard to love, to put other people first and give up some of what I have for another.  But you call me to live generously, full of love.  You call me to show the world about your love simply by the way I live my life.  Fill me with your love and let it spill out into the world.  Amen. 

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 27 Work (Day 5) - Work From the Heart

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Work From the Heart

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15; Colossians 3:23-24


What kind of work lasts?
What is all of our work based upon?

What is the reward for good work?

What do these passages say to us about our commitment to good work?

Prayer: Lord, I want to do good work and work hard at all I do.  I know you don't need my work, but thank you for inviting me to participate in bringing your kingdom to earth.  Bring out excellence in me and give me the diligence to work as though I'm working for you.  Amen. 

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 27 Work (Day 4) - Competent Work

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Competent Work

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 31:10-31


List the attributes of a competent wife.
What is her work ethic?

Who are some women in your life who demonstrate these characteristics?

How can you apply these lessons in your own life?

Since many families are two wage earners, how do you balance these characteristics?

Prayer: God, I long to have the work ethic describe in Proverbs 31.  I want to be competent as I do my work.  I want to be excellent in business, nurturing, housekeeping, child-rearing and relationships. Thank you for the examples that show us diligence, discipline and purpose in work.  Help  me be an example to others as well.  Amen. 

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 27 Work (Day 3) - Accountability in Work

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Accountability in Work

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:14-30


What happened to the servants who grew the money?
What happened to the one who hid the money?

What does this passage teach you about working hard?

How can God bless your work to make it more than what you started with?

Prayer: Lord, I can be stingy.  Sometimes I hide my gifts and abilities so I don't get hurt.  Forgive me when I sit on my hands and miss your blessing.  Help me to work hard and take risks for you. Amen. 

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 27 Work (Day 2) - Skills for Work

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Skills for Work

Scripture Reading: Exodus 31:1-11, 36:1-7

 What did God as of Bezalel and Oholiab?
Why them?

What skills do you posses?  Make a list of all of your skills and talents.

How can God use your gifts and talents for God's kingdom work?

Prayer: God, you've made people so unique that each of us has gifts and talents to be used in your kingdom.  Help me to hone my skills so that I can do excellent work for you.  Show me when and how and where my gifts can bring you glory, and I will use them for you. Amen. 

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 27 Work (Day 1) - Witness in Work

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Witness in Work

Scripture Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15; 1 Thessalonians 2:6-12

 What were some believers in the Thessalonian church doing instead of working?
What did Paul say that he had a right to do but didn't?

What do both of these passages say to you about how to work?

Prayer: Lord, I confess I've become undisciplined in my work sometimes.  I meddle in other people's business, don't work for what I need, and act like I deserve to be served rather than to serve.  Humble me, Lord.  Make me a disciplined worker who shows the world who you are by my actions. Amen. 

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 26 Healing (Day 5) - A Grateful Response

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

 A Grateful Reaponse

Scripture Reading: Luke 17:11-18; Psalm 103:1-6

How many of the healed men returned to praise God?
Why do you think the others did not?

What is the psalmist praising God for?

What attitude do these passages teach us to have as we seek and receive healing?

Prayer: Lord, I'm so grateful you bring healing to my life.  Admittedly, I'm often like the nine men who went on their way without praising you. You've saved me from the pit and healed me. I praise you for all that you've done and all that you are. Amen. 

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 26 Healing (Day 4) - The Name of Jesus

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

The Name of Jesus

Scripture Reading: Acts 3:1-19


How was Peter able to heal the man who was crippled?

What was the man's reaction? The crowd?

How did Peter use the healing as a chance to point people to Jesus?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, your name is healing and life. Give me the ability to share your healing presence with those who need it and use me to point people to a relationship with you.  Amen.

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 26 Healing (Day 3) - Don't Be Afraid

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Don't Be Afraid

Scripture Reading: Mark 5:21-43


How does your faith in the healing power of Jesus compare with the woman who knew she would be healed if she could just touch Jesus' clothes?

How is Jairus' situation a promise for you today?

How can Jesus breathe new life into a seemingly dead situation in your life?

Prayer: Lord, I'm so grateful you long to bring healing into my life.  I pray to have faith like the woman who just wanted to touch your clothes to be healed.  I pray for the steadfast trust and belief that your can bring healing even when things look grim.  Thank you for your healing presence. Amen.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 26 Healing (Day 2) - Be Made Well

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

  Be Made Well

Scripture Reading: John 5:1-15


What were the man's excuses for not getting int he healing waters?

What was Jesus' question to him?

What excuses do you make about an area of your life that needs healing?

What do you need Jesus to do in your life to bring healing?

Prayer: Lord, I want to be made well.  I feel broken, defeated, like there's no use in trying.  But you make me well.  Help me get up, take my mat, and walk out of defeat into your healing presence. Amen.

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 26 Healing - (Day 1) - Persistence and Faith

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Persistence and Faith

Scripture Reading: Mark 10:46-52, 2:1:1-12


Why do you think Bartimaeus was so persistent?

What did Jesus say to him?

Have you ever "broken trough the roof" to get a friend to Jesus?  What happened?

How do you respond to Jesus' question, What do you want me to do for you?

Prayer: Lord of Healing, thank you for stories about people like Bartimaeus and the friends who cut through a roof just to get to you.  I know you're my healing, too.  Give me the faith and persistence of these men as I seek healing in my own life and for those I love.  Amen.

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 25 Courage (Day 5) - Courage to spread the Gospel

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Courage to Spread the Gospel

Scripture Reading: Acts 13:1-12, 14:21-28


How were Paul and Barnabas chosen and sent out?

Why would they need courage for their mission work?

How does your church send people out for mission?

How are you a courageous missionary in your part of the world?

Prayer: Lord, I know you call me to be the church wherever I am.  Help me be courageous as i live out my faith and point others to you.  Amen.

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 25 Courage (Day 4) - Courage to Lead

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Courage to Lead

Scripture Reading: Joshua 1-4


Why does a leader need courage?

Why did Joshua need to be brave and strong?

In what ways do you need courage to lead in some aspect of your life?

Prayer: God, I can't alway be like Joshua and lead people to the promised land.  But I am called to be a leader in some way.  Whatever my area of leadership, give me strength, bravery and courage to lead well. Amen.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 25 Courage (Day 3) - Taking Courage

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Taking Courage

Scripture Reading: Judges 6:1-6; 7;1-25


What did God do to Gideon's army?

Why do you think God did that?

What happened when Gideon heard what people were saying about him?

What task is God calling you to that requires you to take courage?

Prayer: God, take away everything that keeps me from depending on you for all my needs.  Give me courage to trust you. Amen.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 25 Courage (Day 2) - Courage to Face a Giant

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Courage to Face a Giant

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:12-58


Where does David's courage come from?

What are the Goliath-like situations in your life?

What gives you the courage to face the trial head on?

What leap of faith do you need courage for right now?

Prayer: God, you amaze me by the way you make short, ordinary shepherds overcome enormous, brutish giants.  Give me courage to face the giants in my life with complete resolved that you will be with me and take care of me. Amen.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Weeks 25 Courage (Day 1) - Courage to Go

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Courage to Go

Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-9; 17:1-8


What did God ask of Abram?

How did Abram show courage in both of these passages?

When have you trusted God with a "yes" before you had the full picture?

What leap of faith do you need courage for right now?

Prayer: God, I long to have the courage of Abram, who trusted you before he knew exactly what you were asking.  Help me to be bold and believe you when you say you'll never leave me. Amen.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 24 Setting an Example (Day 5) - Set an Example

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Set an Example

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 4:11-16; Matthew 5:13-16


What do these passages teach us about setting and example?

Why does Paul say Timothy was looked down upon?

What does it mean to let your light shine?

How does your light shine and point others to God?

Prayer: Lord, fill me with your Spirit so that I can't help but point others to you.  Make me an example of your grace, love, forgiveness, generosity and abundant life.  Let my light shine so that others will come to know you. Amen.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 24 Setting an Example (Day 4) - Live Like Christ

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Live Like Christ

Scripture Reading: Philippians 1:27-2:18


What does it mean to live in a manner worthy of Christ's gospel?

Who is our ultimate example?  What attitude did he have that is an example to us?

How do you shine like a start in your part of the world?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you were the ultimate example of humility and generosity.  I struggle so hard to be selfless and put others before myself.  Grant me the kind of humility you took on.  Let my life demonstrate such an example of who you are that others see your light in me.  Help me to light up the world with gladness because of your goodness. Amen.

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