Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Push Away from this Table

Reconciliation United Methodist Church June 14, 2010
a Monday Meditation by Pastor Baker
Don't Push Away from this Table

Read John 6:51-58
Some call them the "hard sayings of Jesus;" communionthose difficult teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, particularly those that caused offense and lead many to turn away from Jesus, forsaking their initial enthusiasm for the wandering Rabbi from Nazareth. It is an unsettling, familiar biblical theme. Jesus' words can save and heal - but often enough, they can also shock and offend.
John chapter six is a case in point. Jesus give us his flesh to eat? Jesus give us his blood to drink?If such words were merely metaphorical, they still seem inappropriately graphic. If Jesus was being literal, such speech was an offense against Jewish law and Torah teaching. Either way, Jesus' words were hard to swallow: When many of his disciples heard it, they said, 'This teaching is difficult; who can accept it? ... Because of this many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him" (John 6:60,66). Of course not everyone pushed away from the table. Jesus turned to the twelve and asked them if they wished to leave also. Peter answered: "Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68).
Do you find the words and teachings of Jesus hard to swallow at times? You are in good company. Many have found the cross-bearing road of discipleship a difficult one to travel; but do not let that not deter you from following Jesus; do not let these "hard sayings" cause you to push away from the Lord's table of grace. Jesus' words are true - here is a meal where Jesus promises to abide in us, feeding us with the bread that leads to eternal life. Here is a meal where we can take our time chewing on Jesus' teachings, digesting Jesus' love, savoring Jesus' grace, tasting Jesus' forgiveness, and feeding on Jesus' mercy. Come taste and see that the Lord our God is good.
Lord, help me so to eat and drink the body and blood of Jesus that I might digest your truth and savor the goodness of your eternal life dwelling within me. Amen.
Monday Meditation 
is a weekly email ministry of Reconciliation United Methodist Church written by Pastor Kevin Baker.


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