Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Body of Christ and the Church

As I ran errands yesterday, I encountered a number of hurting people who have been mistreated and abused by church members and church leaders. As they shared their story with me, I could hear the hurt in their voice and see the hurt on their face. It is time for us to take responsibility for our words and actions towards others in the body of Christ. We must confront the issues that is festering and destroying the unity in the body of Christ. If our leadership style is to avoid conflict then we will always have conflict and people doing whatever they want to do. If we are followers who are trying to help with the conflict and get rejected how are we suppose to worship in love and peace when a spirit of confusion continue to exist?

We know that God is not a God of mess and confusion, therefore as we look across the country we find churches big and small suffering because of it. As we pray daily let us pray for the weak and controlling mess makers who only want to keep things going. Let us pray for the leaders who avoid conflict as a resolution to issues. If our focus on this Christian Journey is prosperity and riches, then we have missed the meaning of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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