Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Meditation - Living in a Drought Condition

Living in a Drought Condition
John 4:7-21

In recent years we've witness extreme drought conditions across the farming region in the South East and Mid-West.  These long periods of no rain have caused the ground to become cracked and hard, streams and lakes dried up, crops burnt or crops not growing.  The condition created an adverse affect on our economy, the financial well being and lively hood of the families involved.  Even when the rain comes, it doesn’t quench the thirst of the land due to prolonged dryness.  However, some families survive because they’ve started planting drought tolerant crops and preparing earlier in the year for this.

A drought causes us to rethink survival and what we need to do when a situation of prolonged dryness enters our lives.  Some of us have experienced droughts in our lives; we’ve gone long periods without prayer, daily devotional, worshiping and fellowship with the body of believers.  We have been living in a spiritual drought condition so long that we are not able to recognize the thirst in our spirit.  Our spirit is in need of nourishment just like the woman at the well.   

So, why are we living in a spiritual drought condition?

Some of us live in a drought condition because we are ashamed to be seen in public with our stained past.  When our stained past continue in our lives we stop praying, we stop our daily devotional, we cut off communication and avoid those who could be living water to our spirit.  We need to check our spiritual level and gauge it like the drought level for crops.  If we are in an extreme spiritual drought condition, expect the unexpected.  The woman at the well didn’t expect anyone to be at the well at noon, but Jesus was there.  Just because we have shutoff all communication with God in our spiritual drought stage that doesn’t mean God has stopped trying to provide living water for our soul. 

Prayer:  God help us to recognize the signs of a potential spiritual drought in our lives.  Keep nourishing our spirits with living water. Amen.

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