Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Meditation - Moved By the Holy Spirit

Moved by The Holy Spirit
2 Peter 1:16-21

So often in life we are moved by so many things.  We are moved by our feelings, emotions, love and passion.  Seldom some of us are moved by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is a comforter, our guide and our truth who moves us in closer and deeper relationship with God.

So, why haven't we've been moved by the Holy Spirit?

We are not moved because we have lost our connection with the voice of God.  The voice that speaks to us through answered prayers, song, music, sermons and encouraging words.  We all were in awe when we heard about the man, Ted Williams, with the golden voice, but where is the majestic voice of God in our lives.  God's majestic voice spoke and said "Let there be Light" Genesis 1:1-3.  Light entered a dark place because of the voice of God.  It was the voice of God that called Moses from the mountain Exodus 3:1-5, and it was the voice of God that told Peter, James and John to listen to Jesus because He was God's Son in Matthew 17:5.  

The voice of God is wisdom.  We know that wisdom comes from God.  Wisdom causes us to move and to hear the still quiet voice of God.  When we are able to hear God's majestic voice then we are able to be moved by the Holy Spirit.  Now is the time over the next 40 days of Lent we have a chance to do some spiritual cleaning.  We have some prayers we need to pray, we have some daily devotional reading to be resumed and some sacrificial fasting for a breakthrough. The majestic voice is waiting for us.  No matter what we need to do during this spiritual cleaning, if we are not guided by the Holy Spirit then we need to ask ourselves what is guiding our truth before we open our mouth to say "Thus said the Lord".

Prayer:  God of our spirit, we pray to be moved by the Holy Spirit.  We seek your majestic voice in our lives.  Grant us the wisdom we need to hear your voice on this day.  Amen.

Rev. Lettie

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