Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Weekday Devotional with William Barclay - The Guest of an Outcast

Daily Devotions with William Barclay

365 Meditations on the Heart of the New Testament


The Guest of an Outcast


Scripture:  Luke 5:27-31

Today we complain about taxes and how we are sometime double and tripled tax.  In Palestine it was the same to the point that the tax collectors were like loan sharks.  If a person couldn't pay the tax they would loan them the money and charge an out outrageous fee and continue to keep them in debt.

Why would the tax collector be in the same class as robbers and murders?  Did you know they were barred from the synagogue?
Jesus continue his message of salvation to the sick.  Why would Matthew and his friends be in need of a doctor?

If the Pharisees kept separated for people like Matthew, why were they hanging around?

Prayer: God, I'm glad that people who were like me, I was able to share the good news with them and they felt welcomed.  Help us reach out to those others have cast out so they can witness your love. Amen.

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