Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekday Devotional - Week 32 Influence (Day 5) - Influence with Our Lives

The Daily Devotional comes from the Common English Bible (The Daily Companion).   
This is a 52 week 5 day a week daily devotional.

Influence with Our Lives

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6; Matthew 5:14-16


How can we influence others by being the fragrance of Christ?

Where does our influence come from?

How are you like a letter, written by Christ?

Think about your week ahead.  How can you influence others simply by releasing the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ?

Prayer: Lord, I want to point people to you by the very way I live my life.  Let my words and actions come together to lead people in your directions.  Let my sphere of influence open doors for people around me to find themselves in you.  I have nothing to speak of on my own, but through you I find strength and power to influence people to find you.  Give me life, write on my heart, call me to be an influence for you wherever we are.  Amen.

Post reflection notes below for discussion

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